How can Europe use land more sustainably?
Europe’s demand for ressources is much larger than the available land within the region and it’s global land footprint is increasing, creating growing environmental and social impacts outside the region.
Europe’s demand for ressources is much larger than the available land within the region and it’s global land footprint is increasing, creating growing environmental and social impacts outside the region. Together with increased intensity on the used land it effects the planetary boundaries: several have been or are in increasing risk of being crossed and the world faces the greatest mass extinction since the death of the dinosaures.
Hence, it is necessary that European decision makers to a larger extent focus on a transition of the production and consumption systems that can reduce the consumption level, ensure use of products that require less land and promote different land management that reduce the impacts of land use. As part of greening Europe’s economy policy makers must consider what policies directly and indirectly promote increasing pressure on land within the EU and globally especially the Global south.
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