
Energy Transition in Europe: Options for Constitutional Reform

The Common Hall (Fællessalen) in the Danish parliament building, Christiansborg, Copenhagen
Prins Jørgens Gård 1, 1218 København

International Conference on European Energy Policies.

The conference aims to explore the political opportunities at the European constitutional level in order to promote a green energy transition. The conference may, inter alia, argue for a Danish political platform for a European energy and climate policy based on renewable energy.

The first part of the conference will deal with EURAToOM, as nuclear power with its own treaty continues to have a special position in the EU among energy technologies.

The second part of the conference will address the constitutional possibilities for promoting a green energy transition, including the proposal for a new European Energy Transition Protocol.

The conference language is English.




Introduction, Chair: Dr. Göran Bryntse, Chairman of SERO 


WELCOME SPEECH by Ida Auken, Energy and Climate Spokesperson for the Danish Social Liberal Party and Former Minister for the Environment 


Dr. Dörte Fouquet, Partner at Becker, Büttner and Held Law Firm
The Future of the Euratom Treaty: What are the Legal Options?


Antony Froggatt, Energy Research Consultant and Senior Research Fellow, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House
Brexit’s Impact on Euratom 


PANEL DEBATE: What Future for the Euratom Treaty?

PANELLISTS: Dr. Dörte Fouquet, Antony Froggatt and Dr. Johan Swahn, Director, The Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review

MODERATOR: Heinz Stockinger, Chairman of Plattform gegen Atomgefahren Salzburg




Jo Leinen, Member of the European Parliament, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Former State Minister of the Environment in Saarland (tbc)

Prospects for a Sustainable Energy Transition in Europe: What Are the Challenges and Instruments and How to Change the Incumbent Sector in an Integrative Way?


Dr. Wilhelm Bergthaler, Lawyer at Haslinger, Nagele & Partner and Honorary Professor at Institute of Environmental Law, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz 
The European Energy Transition Protocol


PANEL DEBATE: A New Energy Constitution for Europe: How Big Is the Need And Is It Possible?
PANELLISTS: Jo Leinen (tbc), Dr. Wilhelm Bergthaler, Pia Olsen Dyhr, MP, The Socialist People’s Party, Party chairwoman, Spokesperson on energy and climate and former Minister for Trade and Investment and Minister for Transport (tbc), Troels Ranis, Director Energy and Environment, Confederation of Danish Industry, Prof. Emeritus Thomas B. Johansson, The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University

MODERATOR: Dr. Göran Bryntse




Registration free of charge. Changes in the program may occur. 


  • Access to the hall through the visitors entrance next to the front steps of the parliament building.
  • We recommend that the conference participants arrive no later than 12.30 (half an hour before the start of the conference). All visitors have to pass through a security check. 

Organisers of the conference:

NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark, The Danish Ecological Council, SustainableEnergy, Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, The Swedish NGO Office for Nuclear Waste Review, The Swedish Renewable Energies Organization and Plattform gegen Atomgefahren in Austria. 

The conference is supported by Miljø- og Energifonden and The OOA Foundation.




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