Future Nordic Diets forside til Future Nordic Diets NOAH skribent

Landbrug er grundlaget for vores fødevaresystem og forudsætningen for at drive landbrug er et rent miljø og en forskelligartet natur. Men i øjeblikket er landbruget årsag til store miljøproblemer, herunder voldsomme drivhusgas- og kvælstofudslip.

18. januar 2018


Safety and the environment are the most important factors regarding traffic and transport. Society should create a framework giving more incentives for people to use  their bikes or to walk, and also to use public transport such as trains and buses, instead of using cars and planes.

Food Sovereignty

Food sovereignty stands for local people's right to self-determination over their land and agricultural production and for everyone's right to healthy food, produced by ecological methods.

  • 1. oktober 2014


NOAHs hjemmeside om CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage)  

13. oktober 2016 · Kl. 12:33 Materiale

NOAHs hjemmeside om CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage)  

Agriculture in Denmark agriculture in Denmark NOAH Admin

Report on the Danish agricultural system

Publikation 1. april 2015
Pigs and Soya production - a contribution to the planetary inferno pigs forside NOAH Admin

The focus in this folder is the relation between the undesirable effects of the production of soybean (in Argentina in this case) and the equally undesirable effects of the industrial pig production (in Denmark in this case). 

14. december 2009
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