Summer camp: Compass for Climate Chaos
The Compass for Climate Chaos summer camp will take place from 20 June (evening) to 24 June (afternoon). From eco-anxiety, anger or sadness to hope, joy and empowerment, the camp is about learning how to navigate the emotions you feel in climate chaos.
Danish below.
The summer camp “Compass for Climate Chaos” is happening from the 20th of June (evening) until the 24th of June (afternoon). From eco-anxiety, anger or grief to hope, joy and empowerment, the camp will be about learning to navigate in emotions you feel in the climate chaos.
We will be working with the Work That Reconnects, a method to shape active hope and get into action.
There will be inspiration, meditation, stories, dance, creativity, care, good food, herbal tea and gardening, and a lot of space for healing.
NB : You should be over 18, but under 40. The idea is to create a safe space for everyone, so if you consider applying, note that you commit to attend the whole program.
The summer camp is international and the main language will be English.
There is only room for a limited number of participants and it's a first served basis.
No-show fee
NOTE: The summer camp is free to attend, but please note that there is a no-show fee of DKK 450.
We are pleased to offer the opportunity to participate in our summer camp free of charge with all expenses paid.
In the unlikely event that a registered participant fails to show up without notifying NOAH, we have a no-show fee of DKK 450. Of course, it is still possible to cancel without paying the fee.
You must send a cancellation by email to info@noah.dk or call +45 35 36 12 12 no later than one week before the event.
Sommerlejr: Compass for Climate Chaos
Sommerlejren Compass for Climate Chaos finder sted fra den 20. juni (aften) til den 24. juni (eftermiddag). Fra øko-angst, vrede eller sorg til håb, glæde og empowerment vil campen handle om at lære at navigere i de følelser, du mærker i klimakaosset.
Vi vil arbejde med Work That Reconnects, en metode til at forme aktivt håb og komme i gang med handling.
Der vil være inspiration, meditation, fortællinger, dans, kreativitet, omsorg, god mad, urtete og havearbejde og masser af plads til healing.
NB: Du skal være over 18, men under 40. Ideen er at skabe et trygt rum for alle, så hvis du overvejer at ansøge, skal du være opmærksom på, at du forpligter dig til at deltage i hele programmet.
Sommerlejren har internationale deltagere og sproget vil foregå på engelsk.
Der er kun plads til et begrænsede antal deltagere og det er først-til-mølle-princippet.
No-show fee
OBS: Sommerlejren er gratis at deltage i, men bemærk at der er et no-show fee på 450 kr.
Vi er glade for at kunne tilbyde muligheden for at deltage gratis i vores sommerlejr med alt betalt.
Skulle det mod forventning ske at en tilmeldt deltager udebliver, uden at have meldt afbud til NOAH, har vi et no-show fee på 450 kr. Det er naturligvis stadig muligt at melde afbud uden at betale gebyr.
Du skal sende afbud på mail info@noah.dk eller ringe på tlf. 35 36 12 12 senest en uge før arrangementet.
*Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Republic of Estonia Education and Youth Board. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.