Light festival
Light festival

Seasonal gathering : Light festival

Kulturhus Islands Brygge - Symfonien
Islands Brygge 18, 2300 København S

How to start the year in a world of insecurities? Trump is back, Los Angeles is burning, the wars are still going on in Ukraine and Palestine, … there are reasons to be anxious, angry, fearful or feel powerless.

Talking about emotions related to the climate crisis is not easy and should not be an individual responsibility. 

With the project “Compass for Climate Chaos”, we explore ways to navigate through the climate crisis towards hope and empowerment.

From September 2024 to August 2025, we are doing this together by following the wheel of the year, reconnecting with the rhythm of the seasons, with ourselves and with others through different collective tools and creative practices, inspired by climate psychology and the work that reconnects.

03.02.2025 : Light festival

We start our series of workshops with the celebration of the first signs of spring and the return of the light. It is a time for new beginnings and it is a reminder that even in the depths of winter, life stirs beneath the surface, ready to burst forth. In the Celtic calendar, it refers to Imbolc, where it is time to clear away the old and make space for new growth and possibilities. 

  • Step 1. Gratitude and guided meditation
  • Step 2. Practice “The Cairn of Mourning”
  • Break : pancakes
  • Step 3. Let’s find the first signs of spring / reflections moment
  • Step 4. Light and candle and focus on active hope

Where : Symfonien room, at Kulturhus Islands Brygge -  16.00-18.30

Disclaimer : 

We are not therapists nor psychologists. We are aiming to create a room for bringing feelings related to the climate together, find people who share the same worries and concerns to work with emotions and reconnect to hope and empowerment. We have therefore to stress that if you have severe anxiety or mental distress, we do not have the capacity to offer you  a safe space and ask you to be aware of your own needs and capacity for self-care.



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